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Ladies Mechanic Class!

Event Details

September 27, 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Parking Mangement Company
306 42nd Ave N
Nashville, TN 37209 United States
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Event Description

Ladies! For a lot of us, we are clueless about what goes on under a hood of a car. I know I am!

Eve Event hosted 3 classes and now that the weather is getting cooler we are doing it again!

Bart Reeves, a local Mechanic, will be showing us how to change a tire, what to do if your car won’t start, naming the parts under the hood, what to know as women before going into an auto repair shop, how to check the oil level, and much more! We are very lucky to have him. It will be comforting knowing more about car functions and not having to rely on other people. Flat tires are never a planned situation.

Channel 4 News covered our last class! Take a look!


I have had to ask a complete stranger to change my tire before, which is never an ideal situation for anyone. Also, one of my girlfriend’s battery needed to be jumped off and we couldn’t tell which part of the battery was + or – because it was eroded so bad and we made the jumper cables spark and I thought we were going to get electrocuted!

Let’s have fun and learn some helpful information to be more confident and independent!

Here is what to expect on September 27th:

6:00— check-in. It is getting dark sooner so we will begin very close to 6:00 to get as much sunlight as possible.

6:00-7:30— Bart and Ashley take the floor and will speak about what women need to know before entering an auto repair store, the main parts under the hood, how to change a flat tire, check the oil level, check tire pressure, and helpful tips for women. We will then go outside for a hands on experience learning important how-tos. There will be time for questions at the end!

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