Rippavilla this month will host several guided, candlelight tours in commemoration of the Battle of Spring Hill. Guests will hear
Tag: Rippavilla Plantation

Rippavilla Plantation Acquired by City of Spring Hill
Rippavilla, 98 acres, acquired by Spring Hill annexed into City limits. Kate Wilson hired as new Rippavilla Director of Operations

Rippavilla Plantation Seeks Operations Manager
Rippavilla Plantation is seeking an operations manager to oversee daily operations at the historic mansion and grounds. The operations manager,

Mayor Appoints Rippavilla Task Force
Mayor appoints Rippavilla Task Force to oversee transition to City operations Following the Spring Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen’s

City of Spring Hill Acquires Rippavilla Plantation
The Spring Hill Board of Mayor and Aldermen on Monday night officially accepted the donation of Rippavilla Plantation and its

Spring Hill Lawn & Garden Show at Rippavilla Plantation
Spring Hill Lawn & Garden Show at Rippavilla is set for Saturday & Sunday, March 25 & 26, 2017. Sponsored

Generations in the Kitchen Gives Inspiration & Passion for the Spring ...
The impact family traditions can have on a persons life takes shape in many ways and that holds true for

Local Entrepreneur Opens Bakery at Rippavilla Plantation
Spring Hill Bakery Opens Doors At Rippavilla Plantation The Spring Hill Bakery has moved to the historic Rippavilla Plantation. The